SPECIAL INVITATION to join us at...


Your Family


with phillip hand

for Bible Exposition, Prophetic Insight, Healing and more...

Verse for the day...

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:20 KJV

Quote for the day...

"Whenever a wannabe arises they will try to cast doubt on your decisions."

Rev. Phillip K. Hand

''With the Spirit to make a difference''

Sunday Meetings are held at 10:30am

Who we are?


We are a diverse Christian community church that believes in the Holy Bible and embraces revival preaching. Our foundation is based on biblical family values, established through the work of Jesus Christ.Our church is vibrant and thriving, characterised by a deep love for encountering God. We offer various types of gatherings and maintain a flexible program, allowing room for the Holy Spirit to work and for individuals to participate as they desire. We welcome people of all ages, as well as families, children, and singles.

We are a distinctive Apostolic Centre that focuses on imparting Biblical knowledge, releasing prophetic words, healing, deliverance, and as the Holy Spirit leads us.

Our goal is to spread the complete Gospel of Jesus Christ, emphasising salvation, love, healing, and provision through His completed work on the cross, to be received through faith in Jesus alone and by His grace through the power of His blood. We are dedicated to equipping all those who are eager to develop and utilise the gifts and abilities given to them by God.

When you visit our church you will receive a very warm welcome and we will be delighted to see you.


Senior Lead Pastors

Phillip & Rebecca Hand are the founding leaders of Encounter Church & Television. They are from the United Kingdom and are proud parents of three boys, James, Nathan and Timothy. They have been serving together in ministry since 1999.
Phillip’s primary role is as an apostle in the church. 

Associate Pastors

George and Eleni Chararis are from Greece. They are also part of our leadership team serving the Greek-speaking community at Encounter church. They have one child, Panagiotis-Joel. They have been serving together since 2013.
George’s primary role is as a teacher and evangelist in the church. 

Our History

Phillip & Rebecca Hand, together with a wonderful supporting team planted Encounter Church in 2015, right in the heart of Crewe, Cheshire, England.

We were established as a non denominational, independent evangelical church and ministry, a part of Encounter Network & Encounter TV, originally founded by our lead pastor, Apostle Rev. Phillip Hand.

Encounter Church was established by a ministry called ‘Vision House Ministries’ which was originally founded by Apostle Phillip back in 1994 set up with a world wide vision to reach the lost and to equip believers.

In early 2018 Encounter Television was launched and can now be viewed around the world via the internet and on cable TV including Roku.

Join with us and step in to what God has for you!

''Never give up until you have made a difference''

Pastors Phillip & Rebecca with their sons James, Nathan & Timothy, Photo taken in 2015 about the time the church was founded.

What We Believe

Statement of Faith

Our core beliefs…

All have sinned, and all need a personal Saviour, all should run to Jesus to be embraced by Him.
Jesus Christ is our spotless, sinless redeemer. It’s by His sacrificial love on the cross and the power in His blood atonement alone that enables anyone who believes and accepts Jesus to become a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ.

You come to Jesus as you are. You don’t need to clean your act up or get religious, just come as you are to Him. Then when God, by the power of His Spirit saves you through His grace, that’s when you become a new creation, your inner spirit becomes alive to God by the power of God.

‘if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved’

The Church is the place where those who are seeking God and answers to life’s big questions can find out about Jesus and His good plans for their life. It’s also the place where followers of Jesus become a disciple in the teachings of the Holy Bible. A safe place, to get strengthened and equipped to live lives that grow in fellowship with God and reflect the love and message of Jesus. 


Jesus said... 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind'. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself'.

Phillip travels the world speaking at pastors conferences & gospel crusades

A Local church with a world vision

Encounter More

Apostolic Prophetic exposition of God's word


How to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit


How to find out your calling and next level


How to hear God for yourself and others


How to minister healing


How Kingdom finance works


How to interpret dreams


How to raise leaders to preach, teach & minister


How to declare and decree your own and others breakthrough


How to use your spiritual authority to overcome

Holy Spirit Encounter Services



WHAT others say about the ministry

Phillip you have the heart for revival, and the prophetic, and the Lord has put a revivalist annointing on you! You are called to build differently to others around about you. You're a resurrection centre, not a hospital!
Dr Sharon Stone
Christian International Europe, Windsor, UK
Your ministry of teaching to the Pastors and church leaders of India has been astounding and a great blessing, your valuable in-depth revelation of Gods word has opened our hearts to new dimensions & perspective in understanding our Lords Love for us. The Pastors have been blessed beyond measure.
Brother Roosevelt
AoG, Gunter, India
By your humble spirit and openness to God, we received such a wonderful revelation of the Father’s love that we have increased inwardly and grown in both understanding and practice. Again, thank you!
Lee Gallaher
Pastor at Faith Life Church, Grantham
Phillip is the next type of Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne!
Joan Hunter
Joan hunter Ministries, Houston, Texas, USA
Believing God is going to break out in revival power in this church and region. If you live in the Crewe area, and desire to encounter God, visit this church!
Jonathan Edwards
Insight, Caerphilly, South Wales
Great pastor and people!
God's going to do incredible things in Crewe!
Carroll Victor Thompson
CVT W.I.L.D. Ministries, Dallas, Texas, USA
Phillip is an anointed servant of God, who since I met him has been a tremendous blessing to my life and ministry!
Faith Onyeka
Pastor at RCCG House of Hope, Roehampton, London
Thank you Phillip for hosting us and leading so sensitively. We appreciated your gentle spirit.
Bill Partington
Head of Affiliate Development, United Christian Broadcasters
Our folk are still talking excitedly about what they learned and experienced of God when you were with us. Only God can produce the benefits and blessing that we enjoyed through your ministry.
Lee Gallaher
Pastor at Faith Life Church, Grantham

Visit Us

Sunday Mornings

Doors Open for tea/coffee at 10:00am

Worship & Teaching


Finish main service at: 12:00 noon

Extended After Service Ministry Time

From 12:00 noon
Worship, Prophetic and Prayer ministry. 
Finish time as God leads on the day.

Sunday Evening Meetings None Planned Currently

Zoom Prayer on Tuesdays

Online Ministry On Facebook Thu 2pm

Thursday Evenings Home Meetings


Finish & Close by: 9:00pm

Contact Us